Beside the offer Save up to 46% off on SSL Certificates, NameCheap is also publishing a special promotion for the Premium DNS – Discount up to 41% off, you pay for only…
DNS Name Server
If you are looking for a product that will ensure your site is always online and secure, this GoDaddy Premium DNS review highlights one of the best options available.
Domain System Name (DNS) Hijacking or Redirection is the subversion of resolutions meant for DNS queries. Its a malicious attack which takes over the TCP/IP settings of a computer. The computer is…
GoDaddy was launched new domain manager control panel, and with that change will have many people will be don’t know how to create a subdomain on new panel. So, in this post,…
Once in a while, you may experience the need to change your website’s hosting. Reasons for this could vary greatly, from not being satisfied with a product or service offered by your…
If your domain name registered at GoDaddy, this tutorial is help you and show you How to point subdomain to another web hosting.