Good news: GoDaddy now provides complimentary Full Whois protection for each eligible domain name, such as .COM, .NET, .IO, .CO, etc.

If you prefer GoDaddy, you should know that although they offer basic Whois privacy (redaction) at no cost, your country, state, and organization may be published in the Whois record. If you want this information hidden, you should pay an extra $11.99 a year (as of the posting time of this article, for .com) for the Full Privacy feature. Due to that, GoDaddy lost not only many new customers to competition but also loyal customers.
However, there have been recent changes in how this feature is billed. Accordingly, GoDaddy now provides complimentary Full Whois protection for all eligible domain names, including .com, .net, .io .co, etc, Namely, instead of revealing the registrant’s country and state in the Whois record as before, GoDaddy’s own details are displayed like these:
Organization: Domains by Proxy, LLC
State: Arizona
Country: US
All other details of your information are kept private as they are, effectively ensuring comprehensive Whois privacy.
This adjustment by GoDaddy is certainly commendable. Customers can now save significant money, especially those who own hundreds of domains.
In addition, it would be even better if GoDaddy made further adjustments to reduce domain renewal costs, which are quite high compared to competitors. This would help customers feel more secure about sticking with them.