Finding the right hosting provider is crucial for the success of a website. But, many times people who want to buy a good hosting plan can realize that most companies that offer quality services don’t have low prices. On the other hand, there are hosting companies that have low prices, but their services are really poor. One of the companies that make the difference in the hosting industry is Stablehost.
This firm offers high quality services at affordable prices. By using a Stablehost coupon code, people can save on their hosting plans. This makes the services of this provider even more affordable, especially for those who want to use the services in the long term.
Stablehost has been founded in 2010 and provides the following types of hosting: shared, enterprise , reseller and VPS. There are unlimited subdomains , add-on domains, parked domains, databases, FTP accounts, email accounts and mailing lists for all the plans.
(For shared, VPS and business hosting, the plans are the following: Basic, Stable and Plus. The reseller plan has the options Basic, Reseller and Plus.)
Even if the services provided by Stablehost are not expensive, the company is able to offer great customer service and a 99.9 percent uptime. The speed of the hosting and the prompt customer service are usually the first things that can impress the user. The staff will be able answer the hardest questions without leaving the chat. It is known that companies with poor customer service have staff that seems careless about the client’s problems. Those who want to move their websites from another host will have no problem, because the staff can do the transfer in about an hour or less.
Despite the great support, clients only have the option to send tickets or emails when they have a problem. Phone support is only available for sales. There are email addresses for each department, a Knowledge base of more than 150 topics to read and some video tutorials to watch. The ticket system is available non-stop. Stablehost has servers in Europe and the United States and can also provide options for clients who need dedicated IP. This will involve additional costs to the regular plans.
The servers use CloudLinux technology that makes them nine times faster than Apache servers. On a shared server, PHP is fifty percent faster. Because there are resource limits for each account, crashes are prevented. The storage used is of SSD type, which has a much higher speed than the classical hard drive storage solutions. There is software available that can be used to perform backups daily.
All these options can make this hosting provider the perfect solution for any website that has a low to medium traffic. Customers will get a high-performance hosting without having to spend a fortune. For those who are not satisfied with the provided services, there is a 45-days money back guarantee option. They can get their money back if they consider their requirements have not been met by the company.
Like any hosting company out there, Stablehost has its flaws. But, the positive characteristics can make clients forget about these flaws, which are insignificant compared to the good aspects. Website owners who choose this provider will surely solve all of their problems when they occur, as the support staff is very responsive. Those who move from a regular hosting company will surely be amazed of the new loading speed for their sites.
One of the minor issues that some people may notice for this hosting provider is the low value for the maximum of simultaneous connected visitors on a website. It seems that the low value exists in all the plans, regardless of the price. When the traffic on a website increases, this low value can make the website unavailable to visitors. Maybe this characteristic will improve in time, because other providers that are not as good as Stablehost have a much higher limit.
The bottom line is Stablehost has plans for any requirement, the prices are awesome, the performance is high and the customer support is almost perfect. Those who want to see for themselves how reliable the company is can try its services and use a Stablehost coupon for saving some money while they do this. The usually discount that people can get when they use a coupon is of forty percent, in some cases it can go up to seventy-five 🙂
Choose right web hosting company can help you grow-up your business online, more customers and also saving your times. Hope with my short review about StableHost can helps you understand about this web hosting company. Nice a day 🙂