Take advantage of the NameCheap Domain Transfer Sale to save big on transferring your Domain names, Web hosting, and Email hosting to Namecheap with up to 44% off on popular top-level domains and a whopping 65% off on web hosting. Act now to take advantage of these substantial savings.
During the sale period, which is valid from now until July 12th, you can transfer up to 100 domains in total and mix and match how you want, claim a combined total of 20 Stellar or Stellar Plus hosting plans, and unlimited EasyWP plans with one account. Especially you can ask NameCheap to migrate your site into them entirely free of charge in this sale, also, each domain will get a renewal year for free after transferring.
You must use the promotional coupon to avail of the offers, so let’s click on the sale page below and claim your codes.
Domain Transfer Offer
Web Hosting Transfer Offer
Email Hosting Transfer Offer
Starting at midnight ET on June 29 and ending at 11:59 PM ET on July 12, you can use these sale promo codes in the NameCheap Domain Transfer sale. Kindly take note to thoroughly read the terms and conditions at the bottom of the promotional page to avoid the possibility of your order being declined.
If you need to renew anything at NameCheap at this time, let’s get a renewal code at Namecheap to save you money, and you can also refer to Namecheap Discount Codes for more promotions.
Good luck 🙂